Our services

While developing a customized financial program, we will walk you through a step-by-step process that will help make you feel confident in your financial decisions.

Once your goals have been established, we will customize appropriate strategies to suit your vision and objectives. We can help you execute a sound financial program utilizing products and services that best fulfill your specific needs. The following summarizes our planning, wealth, and insurance management capabilities:

INTEGrated, comprehensive planning

We follow a structured process that comprehensively addresses all issues relating to our clients' financial affairs, including:

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Investment Philosophy

three tiers of capital management

Rather than a single portfolio to fulfill all needs, we encourage our clients to think in three distinct time frames or tiers, based upon the cash flow needs of their personal situations. Each tier advancing from current needs, to intermediate needs, to long-term needs. We believe this tiered approach to investment is one of our signature strengths and differentiates our process from other firms.

Time is one of the most important components of managing risk in a portfolio. As a starting point in our process, we help clients clarify what their needs may be for short, intermediate, and long-term time horizons. This then allows us to implement customized solutions using investment principles and processes that have been time-tested and which we have refined over decades.

We seek to provide transparency—around risks, rationale for recommendations, processes, fees, etc.  In this order, our portfolios and implementation strategies are designed to minimize market risk, taxes, inflation, and expenses.

Investment selection

When considering actively managed solutions, we use managers whose process we believe makes sense in the current investment environment.  These managers must have demonstrated consistency of outperformance on a risk and cost adjusted basis in their asset class. In instances where we do not see a net benefit of actively managed options, we will utilize index products due to their lost cost, tax efficiency, and broad diversification capabilities. In our advisory based accounts, we never receive additional compensation from the investments we recommend. This truly open approach enables us to make unbiased recommendations in the best interests of our clients minimizing conflicts of interest.

monitoring and research

While we use very sophisticated analytical tools and research, we recognize the limitations of static models. We apply our professionals' extensive experience and judgment to all investment recommendations.

Our committee oversees research on asset allocation and on each major asset class. We seek top-tier investment opportunities globally in traditional and alternative asset classes, including fixed income, absolute return, long-biased hedged equity, public equity, private equity, real estate, natural resources, and inflation hedging. All of the professionals on the wealth management team are required to contribute substantial time to the research function. We also work on an integrated basis with a handful of outside specialist firms who complement and deepen our model designs.

coordination with your other advisors

We cost-effectively coordinate and collaborate with other experts, and we introduce new specialists where appropriate. Working with other experts allows us to stay on top of new developments in all areas and to share best-practices knowledge across our client base. We are very sensitive to pre-existing relationships and to the importance of specialized expertise.